High quality
papers in all Machine Learning areas are solicited.
Papers that present new directions in ML will
receive careful reviews.
Authors are expected to ensure that their final
manuscripts are original and are not appearing in other publications.
Paper should be limited to 8 pages and submitted in
IEEE format (double column).
Papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on
the basis of technical quality, originality, significance and clarity.
All submissions will be handled electronically.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference
proceedings, as a hardcopy.
Authors of the accepted papers need to present
their papers at the conference.
A selected number of accepted papers will be
invited for possible inclusion, in an expanded and revised form, in some
journal special issues.
ICMLA'20 Best Paper Award and ICMLA'20 Best Poster Award will be
conferred at the conference to the authors of the best research paper
and best poster presentation, respectively, based on the reviewers and
Programme Committee recommendations.
Detailed instructions for submitting papers can be found at
How to Submit